
Poor Grackle knew his voice was bad,
And he had learned it very soon.
He was the only bird he knew
Who couldn’t even make a tune.

Now Grackle really loved to sing
And serenade the morning sun.
When all the other birds had choir
He tried to join right in the fun.

A melody so pure and grand
He formed within his tiny head
But, when he tried to sing his tune,
The other birds all squawked and fled!

So Grackle just sat quietly by,
His head beneath his little wing,
The only joy he got from life
Was when he heard the others sing.

One day old Wise Owl came to sit
Beside poor Grackle on his limb;
He asked him why he seemed so sad
And why his countenance so dim.

When Grackle told him of his plight
And that he’d vowed to sing no more.
Old Wise Owl smiled and then he said,
“Some birds can sing, that’s what they’re for.”

“But silence, in the woods and fields,
Would surely be an awful thing
If just the ones with purest voice
Were the only birds allowed to sing.”

Not everyone can carry a tune. I happen to be one of those who can’t, as I am completely tone deaf. My singing sounds as good to me as anyone else’s does, but unfortunately no one else shares my opinion.

When my children were very young, they wouldn’t go to sleep without my singing songs to them. We had our own family versions of all of the children’s songs such as ‘Jesus Loves Me’ and ‘Jesus Loves the Little Children.’ (i.e. “Jesus loves the little children, all the children in this house, Ruthie, Ronny, Jonny, Tim, they are precious unto Him…”) When I went to Vietnam for a year, I left a tape of my singing and it was worn out by the time I got home. Now they try to leave the room when I sing, even ‘Happy Birthday’!

I don’t know why God chose to make some of us Grackles but you Nightingales will just have to put up with us.


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