She was the town’s biggest gossip
No one could avoid her ire.
And telling the village secrets
Was work from which she’d never tire.
Now Willy had a big red truck
The folks from miles around all knew it.
When Joe’s bar needed something fixed
Willy was the one to do it.
While Willy worked at Joe’s one night,
He had a bit of real bad luck.
The village gossip passing by
Had chanced to see his big red truck.
She couldn’t wait ‘til church next day
To talk about what she had seen.
Her angry accusations were,
As usual, on the verge of mean.
Willy just listened while she told
All that his indiscretions meant.
And of the terrible message,
About his morals, that it sent.
That night when Willy parked his truck
He made sure it was in plain sight.
Right in front of the widow’s house
And there he left it parked all night!
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