Category: Quickies

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What She Meant

Sitting one night with her husband, A woman began to opine, “No way could I live without you,” While sipping on a glass of wine.” “Is that you talking, or the wine?” The husband asked, with ego fed, “I’m not talking to you, my dear; I’m talking to the wine,” she said.

X-Ray Romance

An X-ray technician Married my friend Jim. I’d really like to know What she saw in him!

Grandpa’s Secret for Long Life

“The secret of long life,” Gramps said, “A pinch of gunpowder at every meal. It will keep your body healthy And aches and pains will quickly heal.” It must have worked for Grandpa, He lived to be a hundred and three. He’s best remembered for the crater Where the crematorium used to be.

Winter Artist

He learned to paint just yesterday This un-artistic friend of mine, He sought to paint the rising sun When it began to shine. The scene he picked for such as he, Could have been a bit more subtle, It seems that he has now become An artistic puddle.


Yesterday I saw some ravens Chase an eagle through the sky. To explain why eagles flee from ravens I don’t intend to try. Today I saw two scissortails Attack a raven on the go. What goes around comes around Even for a crow.