Category: Quickies

(Click on a title to see the full entry with graphics.)

Stupid Question

I asked the man for some lumber scraps, “How long do you need them?” He asked me. “I need them for a long time.” I said, “I’m going to build a house in a tree!”


My best friend’s little stepson Won a prize today. It seems he had the most parents Join the P.T.A.

A Thirty Pound Deal

“If you lose thirty pounds,” His slightly plump wife said, “I’ll dance for you each night Before we go to bed.” The husband told his wife, Observing her tight pants, “If you lose thirty pounds, I just might watch you dance!”

The Munchies

My friend said to cook a hot dog Roast it and eat it on a bun. Well, it was certainly tasty I think I’ll catch another one.

A Woman’s Thoughts on Prayer

If God answered all our prayers, We might not think it very nice. If He’d given me all I prayed for I’d have married the wrong man… TWICE!!!