We found him on an island In the middle of the sea. He had been there, he said, Since early eighty-three. He showed us his dwelling, He had built up in a tree. But we saw he’d built two more And we asked why there were three. He answered, looking down, From his lofty tree […]
Category: Church Humor
(Click on a title to see the full entry with graphics.)
Church Hopper
December 23rd, 2024 — Church Humor
Age of Accountability
December 19th, 2024 — Church Humor
The preacher preached a sermon, He described the fires of hell. It frightened little Tommy And he didn’t feel so well. He asked Pastor, after church, “God knows that I’ve turned seven. Just how bad can I be now And still get into Heaven?” Age Of Accountability asks a question that is very human, not […]
Sunday School Teacher
December 5th, 2024 — Church Humor
“One of the ten commandments says Honor your father and mother. Is there a commandment that tells How to treat sister and brother?” When she asked her Sunday School class, The first to raise his hand was Will. Looking at his sister, he said, “The one that says, ‘Thou shall not kill!’ ”
The Bigger Miracle
November 8th, 2024 — Bible Stories, Church Humor
The young boy learned in Sunday school, How the Israelites crossed the Red Sea; How God then drowned the Egyptians, Allowing his people to flee. “That’s no miracle,” someone said, “They actually crossed the Sea of Reeds. The water there is two feet deep. Just a marsh full of brush and weeds.” The boy said, […]
The Fork
October 19th, 2024 — Church Humor
“A fork?” the preacher said, condescension in his voice, “Of all your earthly goods, a fork’s to be your choice?” She had asked him for a visit, for she was going to die; They had talked about her service, how she wanted none to cry. She would be in her church dress, with a fork […]