Category: Christmas Poems

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Christmas Gift

I would find the perfect gift, I knew nothing else would do. It had to be so special To show that my love was true. So I went from store to store And I saw so many things. I set myself no limits, Even looked at diamond rings. Now the perfect gift for her Must […]

Thank You Notes

Every year she sent them presents But never once received a thank you. If she asked, they’d say, “I got it”, Or, “Oh, I really thought you knew.” So, last year she sent them money But still she got not one response. This year, instead she sent them checks, Which quickly cured their nonchalance. Knowing […]

The Party Before Christmas

I haven’t got the presents wrapped, The first guests have appeared. My kids are both hysterical, They’ve just found Santa’s beard. Bill’s rearranging mistletoe From where it was before, In hopes that he will get to kiss The widow from next door. They just returned my Christmas cards. In spite of getting writer’s cramps. I […]

Mistaken Identity

It was a fatal mistake to attempt the mountain pass. Now he couldn’t see the road through his icy windshield glass. Then when he killed his engine, terror filled his stricken heart. Next his battery went dead and his engine wouldn’t start. Once, he had been a Christian so he knew how he should pray. […]