Heavenly Silence

There was a silence throughout Heaven,
Predicted in the ancient Book.
You will find it written there,
If you know just where to look.

Though the silence was foretold,
Written down in ancient history.
Just what would cause it to occur
Had until now been a mystery.

But the truth at last is known
Of why the silence did occur.
It happened when I first arrived
And went to where the others were.

I stood in utter silent shock,
As I surveyed the happy crowd.
So many of the ones I knew,
That never should have been allowed.

But it was not my stunned surprise
That silenced Heaven’s holy din.
It was the shock of all the others
When they saw God had let ME in!

Rev. 8:1

If you read Revelation 8:1 you will find where there was total silence in Heaven for about thirty minutes, when the seventh seal was opened. No where in the Bible does it explain this period of silence so I took it upon myself to let everybody know what caused it.

Of course, Heavenly Silence would put things a little out of sequence but I haven’t let that stop me in some of my other poems. If you are a Revelation scholar just read the poem for its humor.


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