Entries from September 2023 ↓

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Jenny Rose Lee

I love Jenny Rose Lee. And though she has braces, And lumps in wrong places, I know she’s the right girl for me. I love Jenny Rose Lee. The braces don’t matter And what if she’s fatter, I know she’s the right girl for me. I love Jenny Rose Lee, With freckles too many But […]

Piece of Cake

I won’t open our ‘frigerator, Not even on a double-dog-dare! ‘Cause Sissy told me there’s a monster Who just now moved his family there. They can eat all the beans and spinach, I told Sissy that I wouldn’t care. But they best not eat the piece of cake That Sissy told me to hide in […]


I saw it on the television… Wild animals can be dangerous! There is no end of terrible things That wild animals can do to us. Now I am afraid to play outside… Call me a fraidycat, I don’t care. But I heard Mommy telling Daddy, That there are wildflowers everywhere!

Haunted House

When we passed the haunted house Pete made a double-dog-dare. He said that I was chicken And I wouldn’t go in there. I said, “Who’s afraid of ghosts?” Sally Mae was with us too. I really like Sally Mae And I’m thinking that Pete knew. I walked through the creaky gate And up to the […]

Why the Elephant Painted Its Toenails Red

I asked the little elephant, “Why are your toenails red?” “It’s really very simple,” Is what I think he said. It seems the little elephant Was playing hide-and-seek, With all the other animals In our back yard last week. Elephants are kind of big, It’s hard to hide, you see. He painted all his toenails […]