Entries from May 2023 ↓

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Lucky Penny

Finding a penny Dad says is good luck. I found one shining In a big pile of yuck. I slipped and I fell As I got my penny. If that’s called luck I don’t want any. Children are taught superstition from an early age. The little boy, in the poem Lucky, had been told that […]


Mommy says that she’s a sigh-kick, She knows ahead just what I’ll do. If that is how to be a sigh-kick Then I guess that I’m one too. When we visit Mommy tells me, “You be good and don’t you fret.” That’s when I must be a sigh-kick ‘Cause I know that I’ll forget.

Goodnight Knight

I kissed a knight good night last night, And then I tucked him in his bed. He was dressed in knightly armor From his toes up to his head. It’s hard to kiss a knight goodnight When he is all dressed up like that. You’d think that when you kiss a knight, He would at […]

Art Exhibit

I am so excited, You’re the first one to know. Today I will open My humongous art show. I’ve been working for months, Drawing pictures with care. So, if you’re not busy, Won’t you try to be there? The pictures are all placed So to best show my style. There won’t be room for all […]

Why the Possum Grins

Now Raccoon said to the possum, Under a harvest moon. “The grapes are ripe So let’s not gripe We’ll fill our stomachs soon.” The two friends ate a lot of grapes But Raccoon ate too fast. With tempers short, And not too smart, Each fought to eat the last. But coonhounds baying on their trail […]