Entries from March 2023 ↓

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Little Nancy Fancypants

Little Nancy Fancypants, All she liked to do was dance. She couldn’t crawl, she couldn’t walk, She never even learned to talk She danced at school, she danced at home, She even danced in Spain and Rome. And people said that one day soon She’d probably dance up on the moon. Then late one June, […]

Pet Dinosaur

“It would eat us out of house and home!” Is what my mother said. “Besides, I think I read somewhere, That all the dinosaurs are dead.” “It would eat us out of house and home,” My mother said to me again. “We wouldn’t know what to feed it, Or even how we should begin.” “Our […]

Snow Math

She had to walk to school and she didn’t want to go, She wanted to stay home and play out in the snow. It was winter’s coldest day and the walks were slick with ice, She had only fallen once, but she had to get up twice. When she finally got to school, she was […]