Entries from March 2023 ↓

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I drew a picture of my friend, so funny that it made me cry. I guess he didn’t think it funny, ’cause he punched me in the eye.

Houseflies, Horseflies and Baseball Flies

Grandpa said he saw a house fly, That’s the silliest thing I’d heard. Grandpa likes to tease us kids, Sometimes you can’t believe a word. When I told him a house can’t fly, He said he saw a horse fly too. I know that when he teases me The things he says aren’t always true. […]

Mom Says

Chocolates give you tummy aches, Mom bought some at the mall. Mom won’t get a tummy ache Because I ate them all!

Wet Concrete

A concrete mixer Came yesterday And poured concrete Where we kids play. So now we can’t Play fun kids’ games, But we showed them, We left our names! “Who wrote this stuff?” I heard them shout. I sure do hope They dont find out?

Ice-Cream Man

He seemed a nice and friendly man When first I went into his store. I saw a list of flavors there And said, “Don’t you have any more?” He asked, “What flavors do you want?” And claimed that he had quite a few. “I have a brand new peppermint, Pistachio and honey dew.” “I have […]